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Archive for November, 2010
December 1st, 2010 at 12:10 am
I put an item up for sale yesterday as a buy it now and it sold a few hours later. I made $11.95!
November Ebay Challenge Total: $71.90
Now on to December. I'm not certain yet how fruitful of a month it will be. I'm torn about working on the challenge vs donating to ease stress and help someone out at the same time. I'll let you know as December rolls on!
Can you believe tomorrow is December already?
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Sales, Surveys, Rebates,
November 28th, 2010 at 11:41 pm
I've been around. It seems I'm consumed with getting the Christmas shopping done as soon as possible! I've shopped primarily online, but did get out here and there the last few weeks. I skipped Black Friday, except for picking up a pedicure gift certificate. I'm not done, but getting much closer.
It's been fun making use of cash on hand, rewards earned from MyPoints, money earned from ebay and surveys, as well as rewards earned from our debit card over the past year. I think all of those things have help to cover the cost of at least half my Christmas list!
I really want to do a better job next year of saving for Christmas with rewards and surveys. I might have to make it a challenge for myself on my blog! So stay tuned.
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Sales, Surveys, Rebates
November 24th, 2010 at 02:19 am
After selling seven things on ebay and four books on half.com this month I have an update to the ebay challenge. The total sales for November were $59.95!! I'm still short of the $100 goal.
I must say having a goal is motivational. Even if I don't quite get to the goal this year, I can keep trying. If I didn't have this goal, I'm almost sure that I would not have done as well as I have.
Are your goals motivating you?
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Sales, Surveys, Rebates,
November 22nd, 2010 at 03:07 am
For the first time, I roasted a pumpkin and pureed it to use in a pumpkin pie. I actually cut it up and put it in the crockpot for about five hours. Very easy!
Of four items listed on ebay, it appears only one will sell. I was hoping for all three. I guess these just aren't the in demand items. I think it is time to donate!
I increased dosage on a prescription and was able to use the Target Pharmacy coupon that gave me a $10 gift card. That will definitely be added to my stash for Christmas shopping.
Make it a grateful week!
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Sales, Surveys, Rebates
November 20th, 2010 at 01:20 pm
Just a quick check in. I'm still here. Busy week with family visiting. Nice thing is spending has been kept to a minimum.
I'm waiting for a payment on an ebay auction. Not sure if I'll get the money. It is a ebay newbie with no feedback. Ugh! I will report if needed.
I used my World Markets rewards yesterday to buy a mini strainer, a chocolate bar, Mrs. Meyers hand soap and two advent calendars with chocolate. My total after the $10 reward: 90 cents!!
Any good deals on your end?
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Sales, Surveys, Rebates
November 16th, 2010 at 01:51 pm
The regular payment for our van hit the account yesterday. A principal payment of $469 was applied, bringing our balance now to $5,530.
Yipee! Yipee!
We started this year with a balance of over $18K. I'm thrilled we've made it this far. And there is still one more month left in the year.
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November 14th, 2010 at 07:20 pm
We hit another milestone on the van. We are under $6k!! Yipee.
We could technically pay off the van with cash on hand, still have an emergency fund and be debt free, except the mortgage. But we'll just keep on paying a little bit each month and hope to be done by February 2010 at the latest.
Specifically, we paid $741 to the loan, bringing our new balance to $5,999.
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November 13th, 2010 at 09:27 pm
I added our regular $215 to our emergency fund, plus another $6 that seemed to be hanging around! That's $221 to the goal.
New Balance: $6,551.29
Getting closer!! Only $448.71 to go.
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November 13th, 2010 at 02:09 pm
I made another half.com sale last night. The person bought three of our books! They are in the mailbox and ready to go. Net profit: $4.44. I already added this to my ebay challenge totals.
I have 7 items on ebay that end tomorrow. Only two with bids, but a few watchers on the others. I don't expect them all to sell, but will keep relisting while the listing and buy it now options are free. I do have two items I need to add to my listings.
I have earned another $5 amazon gift card on swagbucks. I'm definitely shopping on amazon for a few holiday gifts this year, so it will help lower the balance. 
It's cold and rainy here. I think we'll stay inside and bake. That makes today a no spend day!
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November 12th, 2010 at 02:36 pm
Just thinking...if we did not save extra in our emergency fund we probably would have paid off the van by now. Nice to think of. I do like having the extra emergency fund cash though.
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November 11th, 2010 at 05:44 pm
My purchase I mentioned in the last post is getting delayed one day. Boo!
Potatoes and Chicken Italian Style
1 lb boneless, skinless chicken breasts
1 c nonfat italian salad dressing
2 tsp dried italian seasoning
1 c. nonfat parmesan cheese
4 baking potatoes, cut into wedges
Spray inside of slow cooker with cooking spray(this tip has saved me so much time.) Place chicken breasts in bottom of slow cooker. Sprinkle half the salad dressing, italian seasoning and cheese on top of chicken; top with potatoes and repeat with remaining ingredients. Cover and cook on low heat for 6-8 hours or high heat for 3-4 hours.
I've actually made it with out potatoes and loved it too! Enjoy.
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November 11th, 2010 at 01:10 pm
Later today, I'm getting a deal on an item I saw on craigslist. The item is usually close to $100, but this person is selling it for $50, nearly new still in the box! The item is for someone on my Christmas list...who sometimes reads the blog.
Just happy to be getting a deal and wanted to share. If I remember I'll disclose the item after the holidays.
Check out craigslist for deals in your area. Some are new! You help out the person selling the item get some needed cash and declutter their home. Win. Win.
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November 10th, 2010 at 01:51 pm
I bought my daughters coat and snow pants on Land's End using a great coupon. It's their Friends and Family discount.
Save 30% on entire order if you spend $50 or more, plus get free shipping. Good until November 15th.
Promotion Code: LEFF Pin: 1560
This code saved me $27!
Land's End has quality items. Can be returned to your Sears store if they don't work out for any reason. The items also have a great resale value on ebay!
Of course, don't buy unless you can afford it!! Happy Shopping.
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November 9th, 2010 at 01:53 pm
I've just read that ESA's or Coverdale Savings Accounts are going to revert back to a limit of $500 per year investment limit in 2011, unless Congress makes changes. We have been saving in ESA's. So...now we have to make changes.
I liked the flexibility of the ESA, but it looks that most of our money will now need to go to a 529 plan. With having it in a state plan, it just seems frustrating if we move from state to state while we are saving. Have to give the state tax deduction back...at least I think that is what I read. For now, I think I'll just leave the ESA money where it is and start anew.
We also have UGMA accounts for our girls which we have not regularly been investing in. I guess I need to consider it all.
Anyone have thoughts or ideas for me?
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November 8th, 2010 at 02:09 pm
I sold three of the six items I had listed for a total of $37.99. No complaints here. The one item I had purchased at a garage sale for $1, sold for $20.50!
I relisted the other three and hope to put up a couple more items on Tuesday as five day listings. Right now it is free to list items at any starting price and include a buy it now option for free also! So why not keep putting it out there for someone to see.
I think some craigslist items I listed a month ago are expiring off the site. Time to relist those, too. Maybe a lower price is needed also.
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Sales, Surveys, Rebates
November 7th, 2010 at 03:04 pm
My ebay sales end today. I have six items listed. Half have bids. The other three are being watched. If I sell all at current bids and the other at the original price, I make $44! Here's hoping.
If I get to it, I might add a couple more items to start tonight. I've noticed my mind is definitely consumed with Christmas shopping. Hunting for deals, trying to earn more reward cards, pre shopping online for ideas...but so far I've only purchased a couple gifts.
I bought two wood puzzles for a neice at Target using a gift card I earned. I also purchased some stationary items for a couple of friends and a teacher online. Those should arrive this week. Nice to cross off several people. My girls are getting ideas for their lists. The earlier the list, the easier it is to buy.
Are you already Christmas hunting? Is anyone done?
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Sales, Surveys, Rebates
November 5th, 2010 at 09:07 pm
I had enough points with MySurveys to collect $20. I will receive it in my paypal account in about 10 days.
I also received a $10 Rewards, because it is my birthday month, from World Market. I actually went there today, but could not decide what to buy, so I didn't buy anything. Crazy, huh?
Panera now has a rewards card. I signed up a couple weeks ago. I have a free pastry or sweet available to me just for signing up. You can bet I will pick that up sometime this holiday season when I'm out shopping.
I'm getting closer to another Amazon gift card from Swagbucks. I don't seem to rack up the points as fast as some of you. I have limits on things I will sign up for. And I don't use the search too often. I can usually get about 10 points a day. I did start watching some videos for points.
I was paid today for a pinecone survey. Another $3 in my paypal account is always nice.
How are you racking up small bits of cash? Or big bits?
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Sales, Surveys, Rebates
November 4th, 2010 at 07:02 pm
This post is just some of my thoughts about next years goals. Things are iffy since we could be moving. The income will stay the same. The expenses could change.
We will continue to save at least 15% towards retirement.
We will contribute to our daughters college funds.
We will pay off the van very early in 2011!!
We will pay a large percentage in cash for a new to us truck.
Then...we pay off the small loan on the truck. If there is one. 
And we will go on a couple's vacation and a family vacation with cash!
I will also look into converting some more rollover money to Roth Ira's.
I need to consider more to the emergency fund.
If we don't move, I need to look into refinancing or at least pay extra on the mortgage.
I'll round out all those goals out later with numbers.
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November 4th, 2010 at 12:17 am
Wow! It seems there are several good financial things happening this week. They are small, but fun!
Our water bill arrived this week. I was almost $9 less than usual. Cool.
Today we went clothes shopping for the girls. We bought needs only. First we bought a pair of ballet flats at Payless Shoes for $13.24. My daughter will wear these for band performances.
At JC Penney we bought a black pair of pants (band), dress (vocal performance), white pajama top, and a package of silly band rings. The total for those four items, with tax, $16.45!! I had a coupon for $10 off a $25 purchase. I actually had to buy the silly bands $1.99) just to get my total above $25! The dress was on clearance for $7.97, after the discount was applied it cost me only $4.85. I'm thrilled with the deal.
And to top it off one of the items I'm selling on ebay has a bid. I bought the item at a garage sale for $1 a couple weeks ago. I knew it would sell on ebay. So far the bid is up to $10.50!! Nice return.
And can I just say it is nice to see the stock market moving up, too! What good financial things are happening in your world?
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Sales, Surveys, Rebates
November 3rd, 2010 at 12:07 am
I made a half.com sale today. They always surprise me a bit since I don't sell the books that often. In fact, I may only have four listed now.
Profit: $1.77
I was adding ebay listings at the time I noticed the sale. I found six items to list this week. I made them 5 day listings since I prefer to end them on Sunday evenings. I will try to have a few more items ready to post for Sunday.
I'm way behind on my challenge for ebay. I was hoping for an average of $100 per month. So far, I'm under $80. Of course, no complaints. I'll take what I can get accomplished!
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Sales, Surveys, Rebates
November 1st, 2010 at 11:55 am
I made a large principal payment of $1450 towards our van loan today. The new balance is now below $7K!!
New Balance: $6740
It feels really good to be getting the balance down this low. I must admit I'm a little bit behind based on my planning, but life gets in the way sometimes. I'll take what we have been able to accomplish because it is still fantastic!!
Are you staying focused on your goals even despite setbacks? Only two more months of 2010! What can you accomplish?
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