March 29th, 2020 at 03:07 am
It is so interesting to see the contrast of these times we are in. My husband is actually working more now...a home deployment of sorts. I don't even get the mission and even he says it seems off and strange. But we are both thankful he has a job, when so many do not.
Stimulus money. Absolutely do not need it. At least in the short term. If we are on the edge of a depression who knows what we might need. I pray the everyone can go back to work very, very soon. I did have the thought tonight that buying a generator might finally be a good investment. We ponder one every hurricane season, but never pull the trigger. We have only been without power about 32 hours at the most and maybe only twice. Not pleasant, but not dire either. But then I go back to donating the money too.
Waiting to see about dorm room refunds. One daughter will get one, the other daughter's school is still figuring it out I guess. No money has been received yet. The oldest should probably put it on her small student loan, but then I wonder how long it will take her to get a job in this economy.
Dave Ramsey always says if you see a storm you stockpile cash, until the storm clears. I then wonder if I have been saving towards the Big Goal for a whole other reason! Of course, there was no way to know this was upon us. But I do have a pretty interesting intuition about things. I'm really trying to hear what it is telling me.
The loving kindness meditation I happened on this week was:
May You Be Well
May You Be Happy
May You Be Peaceful
May You Be Loved
Take care of you! We as humans are strong and resilient!
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March 16th, 2020 at 02:31 am
Fear saddens me.
Fear and panic create bad decisions.
Yes, as with everyone, this has impacted us and our girls.
I will not let fear weaken my resolve or my immune system.
I will walk outside. I will talk to my neighbors.
I believe in a higher source that knows all and can create peace out of chaos.
We will all have a story to tell when this ends. I will tell my story then.
(Please take care of your health. That may mean you need to step away from the news and focus on self care and stress relief. Eat real food, take supplements that support your immune system if appropriate, get plenty of rest, get outside for fresh air and exercise, and stay hydrated)
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March 4th, 2020 at 06:58 pm
Graduation for our oldest daughter is coming up soon in early May! I just happened to think to look for flights the other day and there were some decent prices for the dates we needed, so I booked them. We also have a one way flight for our youngest daughter to return home for the summer. Our oldest daughter can move here with us if she wants, but none of us think that is the best idea because she ultimately does not want to live here knowing we will eventually move again.
Back to the tickets. We paid $670 for these flights. I did charge these to our Southwest credit card, as I always do. I have $500 from this pay period that I can apply to pay off. The bill won't be due for about three weeks, thus I can find the rest from the next paycheck.
I'm looking forward to the day when hopefully we live much closer to our girls and we don't need to fly. But I am also grateful that we have this mode of transportation so we can get to them fast!😀
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March 2nd, 2020 at 03:33 pm
We are paying ourselves back for money we put down on our daughter's car in May 2019. I am putting all sources of extra funds towards that goal. Here's what I found in February:
US Bank $12.33
Chase Rewards $7.10
Amex Rewards $46.06
Swagbucks (Paypal) $25
Ebay Sales $30.81
Army Travel Excess $122.15
Total $243.45
Prior Payback Balance: $498.14
New Payback Balance: $254.69
So tempting to just throw some extra funds we had at the end of the month on it, but I also know that we have another round of airline tickets needing to be purchased, possibly this week, so I'm just going to do the same as February and know that our rewards, sales and military travel payments will likely have this paid back this month!!
Looking forward to the debt payoff happy dance! Yes, I considered this a debt, even if it was to ourselves. 😀
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March 2nd, 2020 at 03:19 pm
We make automatic deposits to our money savings account each pay period! So easy. Highly recommend!
February Big Goal Additions
Paycheck 2/1 $260
Paycheck 2/15 $260
Total Interest $172.34
Total Contribution $692.34
YTD Total $1,376.33
New Big Goal Total $73,460.26
Goal is $200,000. We are at 36.7% of goal. I celebrate every deposit and every milestone on the way there!
Posted in
March 2nd, 2020 at 03:14 pm
Here's the interest we earned on our cash savings last month:
FNBO $54.55
NFCU $117.62
USAA $0.17
Total $172.34
All interest was saved towards our Big Goal.
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