Home > Sales and Earnings

Sales and Earnings

November 13th, 2010 at 02:09 pm

I made another sale last night. The person bought three of our books! They are in the mailbox and ready to go. Net profit: $4.44. I already added this to my ebay challenge totals.

I have 7 items on ebay that end tomorrow. Only two with bids, but a few watchers on the others. I don't expect them all to sell, but will keep relisting while the listing and buy it now options are free. I do have two items I need to add to my listings.

I have earned another $5 amazon gift card on swagbucks. I'm definitely shopping on amazon for a few holiday gifts this year, so it will help lower the balance. Smile

It's cold and rainy here. I think we'll stay inside and bake. That makes today a no spend day!

2 Responses to “Sales and Earnings”

  1. NJDebbie Says:

    It's unusually warm today in norther New Jersey. I'd been outside a couple of times to hang my laundry out. I was planning on going to Walmart but I decided that I'll put it off until next week. I hope you sell everything you have on

  2. frugaltexan75 Says:

    Yay! Don't you love adding those cards to your Amazon account? Smile

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