Home > POP Contributions June 2020

POP Contributions June 2020

July 1st, 2020 at 04:01 pm

Contributions to our Pot of Possibilities (POP) for June!

Paycheck 6/1 $260
Paycheck 6/15 $260
Oldest Allowance $100
Total Interest $92.85
US Bank $12.32
Chase Rewards $17.87
Amex Rewards $51.39
Discover Rewards $0.37
USAA ATM refund 3.50

June Total $798.30

YTD Total $4,593.16
New Big Goal Total $76,677.09

Potentially could have included an Army Travel payment made to us this month which was over $1000, but for now we are holding it seperate for some potential expenses. I may reconsider however!

2 Responses to “POP Contributions June 2020”

  1. LifeBalance Says:

    I always get encouraged to see your POP total. Even with lower interest, your regular extra contributions really add up!

  2. rob62521 Says:

    Good going on the POP total. I look forward to seeing these and am cheering you on!

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