Home > Rewards Redemption

Rewards Redemption

June 21st, 2020 at 02:53 pm

It's the time of the month where I redeem credit card rewards and add them to our Pot of Possibilities!

I redeemed the following:
US Bank Visa $12.32
American Express $51.39
Chase Freedom $17.87
Total $81.58

Our US Bank Rewards will drop next month by about $8 since I will no longer use for our cell phone bill. We have been able to use a credit card to pay our rent the last three months, as the office staff has waived the associated fees since they are not working on site.

I decided a couple months ago to stop messing around with Swagbucks. It is a bit of a time suck, although I did limit the time I spent on it. I decided I do not support their advertising content, that I am clicking on to raise it's prevalence to the public. I can find other ethical ways to bring in another $300 a year. It was a good run of bringing in some cash however and I am thankful for the times it helped us out.

Everything seems up for review these days!

2 Responses to “Rewards Redemption”

  1. Amber Says:

    Awesome on the extra cash 💰. As with you, I stopped using Swagbucks as well, you said it best, it’s a time suck. I wish I could pay my mortgage using a credit card to earn points for cash

  2. rob62521 Says:

    Good job on the extra dough!

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