Home > POP Contributions

POP Contributions

June 2nd, 2020 at 05:48 pm

POP is our Pot of Possibilities. This is our Big Goal renamed just this month. We just keep adding funds to it knowing someday we will want to draw on it. What we spend or invest it on is a mystery, but one with many possibilities!

Paycheck 5/1 $260
Paycheck 5/15 $260
Total Interest $164.37
US Bank $12.32
Chase Rewards $49.38
Amex Rewards $62.86
Ebay Sales $4.49
USAA ATM refund 3.00
Auto Insurance refund $97.45

May Total $913.87

YTD Total $3,794.86
New Big Goal Total $75,878.79

We crossed the $75,000 mark this month!

2 Responses to “POP Contributions”

  1. GratefulSaver Says:

    Yay! I look forward to reading what you will use the POP someday.

  2. rob62521 Says:

    Like the name! Sometimes the anticipation is part of the fun of saving.

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