Home > Auto Insurance - Another Refund Payment

Auto Insurance - Another Refund Payment

May 23rd, 2020 at 01:59 pm

We have our auto insurance through USAA. We have three cars on our policy. Just like many of you we received a credit recently because fewer people are on the road, less risk, ect. That first credit was $97.45.

We were notified this week we are receiving another one month credit, specifically 20% of what is equal to one month premium. For us that is $46.39.

Our six month premium was due May 4, so the first credit did reduce our payment owed. Now we have this credit, so I assume it will get refunded to our checking account. Or maybe it will just sit there until our next insurance payment is due. I should look into the specifics.

I am going to put these credits into our Pot of Possibilities, so they can do their magic. 😀

Are you getting another return of your auto insurance premium?

3 Responses to “Auto Insurance - Another Refund Payment”

  1. CB in the City Says:

    I have received three refunds so far, once for each month, since I had just paid my semi-annual payment before this all began. Only $33 all together.

  2. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    The policy with my Yaris and the pickup truck - I received n email saying we'll be getting a $13.49 refund for May, and again for June. I assume this will be a check since that's how they've sent refunds before. The CRV is on another policy with the same company (commercial liability) and we haven't received anything about that yet. I'm guessing that would be another $14x2.

  3. Lucky Robin Says:

    I've only got one so far and it was less than $14.

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