Home > Additions to the Pot of Possibilities

Additions to the Pot of Possibilities

May 19th, 2020 at 03:49 pm

A few credit card rewards have been tossed into the Pot of Possibilities this month. I usually report these at the end of the month and I will again at the end of May. But it's kind of fun to write about tossing them into our new pot!

Chase Freedom $49.38
US Bank $12.32
American Express $52.86

That is $114.56 into the pot in addition to our two monthly contributions of $260 each. These happen on payday.

Next month I'm increasing the two monthly contribution to $310 each because we are discontinuing giving our oldest daughter her monthly allowance, which was $100 per month.

Looks like my husband is traveling for work and will be gone about two weeks. I expect there will be some per diem money that we can save in June after his expenses are submitted.

The Pot is growing!

2 Responses to “Additions to the Pot of Possibilities”

  1. VS_ozgirl Says:

    Great to see the pot’s growing and you are redirecting things you no longer pay for to it!

  2. rob62521 Says:

    Always nice to see the pot growing!

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