Home > Pending Stimulus and More

Pending Stimulus and More

April 14th, 2020 at 02:30 pm

The stimulus money is pending in our account. We are getting $2,400. Our children are over 17, so we do not get, nor do we need the extra $500 per child. We do not even need the $2,400.

We have not made any decisions on this money. I think I'm waiting to see how this plays out a bit. I do think it will get spent in some form or another, which is the point. I have quite a few ideas of things we could invest in to make us more self reliant, but may need to help our daughter or some nieces and nephews.

Our oldest daughter is close to freaking out about graduation and not finding a job. Job postings are minimal. She is looking in multiple states. There is one that is more local that I really want her to get. No word on that yet, and I could see it be a situation where they may be on a hiring freeze. She does have an internship that started back up this week online. She was asked when she graduates and when she said in a couple weeks, he said she can stay on after graduation until she finds another job. That would be really great, although if they go back to in person, could create a housing issue. As it is now she is living 45 minutes away from work with my parents, but they still might work for her. This organization is also in a hiring freeze, so not being able to replace her would be noticeable. This organization also paid her four weeks when they closed down and she didn't work at all.❤️

3 Responses to “Pending Stimulus and More”

  1. My English Castle Says:

    I've been thinking about the stimulus too. My temptation is to save it, but if we can do some good with a chunk of it, we should. Wishing your daughter the best; it's a challenging time to look for a job.

  2. rob62521 Says:

    Hopefully things will soon improve and you daughter can find a wonderful job. But I'm sure it is scary nonetheless.

    We haven't seen any indication of a deposit in our account yet as far as the stimulus. As of right now, we aren't planning on spending it immediately, but perhaps we will find something wonderful this summer or fall to splurge on like some travel.

  3. LifeBalance Says:

    Great news on the stimulus check! Your daughter's not in too bad a spot - at least she's got a job, just not what she'd consider her career job. In the long run, starting a few months later won't be a big deal at all.

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