Home > The Move

The Move

August 26th, 2018 at 01:05 am

We are moving again with the military. This fall, can't be more specific on when until after we move. I also cannot indicate the specific location, but it will still be in the southern US.

We are going to live on the military installation. We have never done that before, primarily because we have always wanted control over the school our girls would attend. We don't have that parameter this time!

We will be in a three bedroom townhome, approximately 1700 sq ft. This is an 1100 sq ft reduction from our current rental. As a result we are significantly downsizing our furniture! That part is a bit overwhelming, but hopefully we can off load it rather quickly, preferable for cash!

We do have to pay the equivalent of our housing allowance (which will be just over $2000) to live in this townhouse. We pay $1800, plus utilities currently. Electricity, water and trash is included at the new place. My husband's commute will be about 5 minutes. We will end up saving quite a bit by living on post and not having utility expenses or as much fuel for commuting. I'm going to estimate a savings of at least $500 a month.

My husband currently works out at the gym on post and he will continue this at our new location. But now that it is basically blocks away, I will also use the no additional cost!

It was a bit overwhelming earlier this summer as we prepared to take both girls to college, but now that portion is over, it is feeling kind of exciting to make the next transition.

Hopefully, that answered some of your questions that have popped up since I mentioned the move. Smile I'll answer other questions if you have them.

7 Responses to “The Move”

  1. frugaltexan75 Says:

    It sounds as though you have some exciting times ahead!

  2. CB in the City Says:

    Sounds good!

  3. Beawealthywarrior Says:

    I only lived on base once and hated some of the restrictions. However you can't be the convenience of everything and not having to pay for certain utilities was awesome! I'm not moving but I've decided to downsize my furniture as well because it no longer fits the person I'm becoming as I get older. The furniture is in great shape so hopefully I get enough cash to buy what I want Wink

  4. ceejay74 Says:

    That sounds like a great option as semi empty nesters!

  5. VS_ozgirl Says:

    Sounds like a great move!

  6. rob62521 Says:

    Although a lot of work to downsize and move, it sounds like a great one with the savings and the place to work out.

  7. livingalmostlarge Says:

    Congratulations. How soon do you have to move?

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