Home > $200 For Two Showings

$200 For Two Showings

August 24th, 2018 at 01:26 pm

Last night our landlord paid us $200 (by Zelle, direct into our bank account) to show our rental home on Sunday to two potential and vetted renters on Sunday. One will arrive at 1pm and one at 2pm.

I was so conflicted about this additional duty, but once I texted the landlord my concerns, he completely understood and was quick to clear up what he expects and offer $200 to have these two showings in a limited time frame. If one of these two do not sign, there is the potential for additional showings, but he would pay us again for those showings.

The fee was in line with what I was wanting to ask for, but I did not want to offend him. The truth is the fee is worth it to them being unable to get here to show the house. And obviously, the less time the home is vacant the better for them.

I'd love to make a few more hundred dollars, but at the same time, I hope one of these two potential renters signs a lease, so that we can enjoy the home in the remaining weeks we have left here. Smile

Later today, I have to have the windshield on our van replaced. We hit a rock on the first day of our road trip earlier this month and boy did it crack! Two cracks, one around 15 inches, and another probably 24 inches. Using Safelite through our insurance would have cost us between $300-$360. I found a local glass place that will charge us $196 out the door with a warranty. We used them before so feel confident in the quality and service despite the lower cost. They get the glass from the same place! I guess our showing fee covers that cost. Smile

More on moving details soon, although I do have to be vague on where we are going and exactly when for security purposes.

3 Responses to “$200 For Two Showings”

  1. My English Castle Says:

    I've never heard of a landlord paying someone to let their property be shown, but I like it! Too bad about the windshield; I noticed a lot of things falling off trucks when we did our long road trip.

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    MEC, I'm sure it's pretty rare. If the landlord could be in the area I'm sure they wouldn't pay and would do the showing themselves. I'm starting to wonder if they will be here when we move out!

  3. rob62521 Says:

    Glad you are getting paid to show the property. It's probably worth it to the landlord.

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