Home > The Transition

The Transition

August 13th, 2018 at 03:50 pm

We've traveled across the US this past week and have managed to drop off our oldest daughter at college. She is beginning band camp this week. And tomorrow we drop off our youngest daughter at her University. The emotions of all this are everywhere, excited yes, but I'm a mess...I'm just going to miss them both so much. It seems sending the last one off is almost harder than the first.

So much spending buying supplies and dorm needs. I have yet total it all up. We probably have more than some, but definitely less than others who move into a dorm. We bring enough to create a comfortable environment, but not enough to fill it up.

We did find a great long, yet lightweight coat, at the local Columbia outlet mall here. We had our youngest try on her sister's LL Bean boots and she liked them, so will buy those in one size smaller in a few weeks and have them mailed to her dorm room.

We had two hotel nights on our way here. We have been staying at my parents place now for almost a week. We expect three more nights of hotel expenses on our way back. Another $350 at least. I've noticed that when you book a hotel in advance that you can no longer cancel up until check in on the night of the stay. You must cancel 48 to 24 hours in advance or be charged! We have one booked that we know we will use, but I think on our return trip we will book around noon on the day of our stay, this is helpful in case we think we can drive further or need to stop sooner.

Oh and we have had a lot of fuel and restaurant expenses. Since we have been using credit cards, and payday is in two days, I expect that little float will help. And when we return only need to buy groceries for two people rather than four as we have been doing all summer.

My neighbor has been checking on our 14 year old cat, usually twice per day. When we return, we are going to get her a restaurant gift card. We are so grateful for the help and her extra care and attention to detail.

More later, but prayers and good vibes for our peaceful transition and travel are appreciated. Smile

6 Responses to “The Transition”

  1. starfishy Says:

    good luck with this new transition - that's a big deal to send your youngest child off to college and return to an empty nest. safe travels on your way home. take care! Smile

  2. Laura Shea Says:

    The youngest leaving is definitely the hardest. I was a mess for the first couple of weeks, but I adjusted. Hang in there!

  3. My English Castle Says:

    safe travels, CCF. I chuckled at my SIL when her boys left for college, but I suspect I'll be heartbroken.

  4. Jenn Says:

    Safe travels! While you feel the loss of what you're transitioning FROM, do you feel excitement about what you're transitioning TO? Do you have ideas about how you hope to spend your time?

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  6. livingalmostlarge Says:

    Congratulations being an empty nester. But what a big change.

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