Home > Ibotta


May 7th, 2018 at 03:45 pm

I just cashed out at Ibotta again. This time the amount was $20.96. It seemed to take about three months to accumulate that cash. I really only buy what we normally would. Only occasionally am I influence to change brands due to the rebate. Some weeks I only have enough on my receipt to redeem for $0.25 on an any item rebate. But as you can see it does add up.


Text is my link and Link is
my link, if you want to try it out.

I'm sending this money to our Big Goal. In the past, when we had debt, this would be the kind of money I would send to the current debt we were paying off. Any extra you can find and use to pay down debt helps!

6 Responses to “Ibotta”

  1. Dido Says:

    I'll have to look at that. I primarily use a credit card from my bank that gives me rewards in the form of mortgage payments: $25 for every $2,500 charged. That's an extra $250 or so towards the mortgage each year--it definitely helps!

  2. Dido Says:

    $150--I can't edit the above. I charge everything I possibly can and pay the bill each month.

  3. Rose. Says:

    I am using Ibotta. Not purchasing a lot right now, but every little bit counts.

  4. LuckyRobin Says:

    I've been thinking about signing up for this. I think you made an error in your link, though.

  5. creditcardfree Says:

    Thanks LR, I fixed my link. While we don't buy a lot of processed foods, we can often find rebates for any item, some fruits and vegetables and other household items. I just claimed $1.05 on the mousse I use in my hair.

  6. rob62521 Says:

    I have the same difficulty, CCF. I don't buy a lot of processed foods so many of the offers don't pertain to me. But, hey, free money is free money!

    I thought SavingStar looked good, but they are really picky. You have to click a day ahead on an item you plan to buy in order to get the rebate.

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