Home > Money Magnet

Money Magnet

April 26th, 2018 at 11:22 pm

Geez! Our oldest daughter is a money magnet as of late. This afternoon she was presented with a $600 scholarship for leadership in marching band. It was the first time this particular scholarship was given out. Smile

We feel so very blessed.

In other news, I gave away $50 to

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ethical science research. I'd like to give more and likely will, but I did this on a whim. I need to discuss future donations with my husband. Smile

We ordered our tickets in advance to see Avengers:Infinity War on Sunday morning. We have never ordered in advance, but noticed it was $1.00 surcharge per ticket which seemed reasonable to save time. When Black Panther came out we went nearly an hour ahead of the time and that showing was already sold out. This time we'll go early to get good seats, but we will already have purchased tickets.

3 Responses to “Money Magnet”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    That is wonderful! Glad the money is coming in for those scholarships!

  2. PatientSaver Says:
    1524919817 are wonderful!

  3. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Great news!

    DH and I may go see Avengers next Sunday. I'm excited to see it!

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