Home > Snowflakes Here and There

Snowflakes Here and There

September 15th, 2017 at 07:26 pm

Let's see if I can recall the recent snowflakes arriving here lately:

$8.05 Electric co-op return of capital
$6.00 Pinecone Research payments
$0.93 eBay proceeds for a book
$9.00 ATM refunds from our bank
$25.00 Amazon gift card from Swagbucks
$8.54 US Bank reward (5% back on Cell Phone)
$9.95 AmEx cable bill reward

Those snowflakes add up to $67.47!

I printed out some coupons for things we normally buy. If I use them all within the next month I will have saved $11.75. Only took me a couple minutes to print.

I've always said that small amounts add up!

1 Responses to “Snowflakes Here and There”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    Wow, that is a wonderful pile, ball, snowfall, whatever you want to call those snowflakes! Well done!

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