Our Big Goal is on my mind a lot. I just can't wait to get there, but it is going to be a long journey to say the least. My mind keeps wandering to the items we spend our money on and wondering what we can cut back on, or eliminate all together.
I've mentioned before I did eliminate the need for disposable feminine products for myself. That is probably only a savings of $6-7 a month on average.
We did lower our cable bill by $11 a month just recently, so that will add up over time. I think we may still let it go entirely after football season. We have more channels now, and while it was fun to watch HGTV for a day or so, I'm already not interested in watching most of what is on.
It seems there was something else, too, but maybe that is it so far! There is still work to be done to eliminate more items we spend money on. I thought I'd make a brainstorm list of a few I'm thinking about:
Alcohol ($100 per month)
Paper Towels ($18 a year)
Movies (theatre and purchased) $260 YTD
Restaurant meals $1578 YTD
Chips (too much snacking!) ?
Gum $50/year ?
Ooma (home phone) $48/year
Trash & Recycling service $198
Using the Dishwasher ?
Let me explain the trash & recycling. We pay $16.50 a month for trash and recycling pick up at the curb. The trash pick up is twice per week, and the recycling is picked up twice per month. The reason I could possibly eliminate the service entirely is because about 1.25 miles from our current home is a county trash and recycling drop off site. They are open at least five days a week, maybe six. I drive by it ALL the time, so it is on my regular route to other places I go. I don't think my husband would be on board, but it's an idea to consider.
I use our dishwasher every evening. I like using it. I wonder though if some money could be saved by not using it. How much electricity and water does a dishwasher use each month? I may skip it for the next few weeks while my husband is still at school and it's just dishes for my daughter and I.
I mentioned I made hummus last week. It got rave reviews from my family members. It was very easy, too. When I make something from scratch it always tastes better because it has fewer 'extra' ingredients needed for commercial processing. It makes me think if I should be trying to make some other foods we buy from scratch. Bread is one idea, another would be pasta sauce. I'd have to think through what we buy most often that could be made at home.
Just by doing this little brain storm writing session I have seen where we can put our focus. Eating out. I feel like we don't eat out that much, and probably compared to the average american we don't, but our average is over $200 a month this year. Considering our income that isn't a big amount, but accounting for our goal, it is!
What can you give up to meet your goals?
What Can You Give Up?
August 8th, 2017 at 04:49 pm
August 8th, 2017 at 05:08 pm 1502208510
I was surprised to read that you run the dishwasher every day. We are a family of 3 and run in 1-2 times a week. But I think I recall you saying that you have very few plates and bowls due to minimalism. Is that why you need to run it so often?
August 8th, 2017 at 05:20 pm 1502209205
Butterscotch, are you only putting in cups, dishes and utensils?
August 8th, 2017 at 05:34 pm 1502210095
One thing that might save energy is to use a shorter setting on your dishwasher. We use the express setting which finishes in 45 minutes.
August 8th, 2017 at 05:46 pm 1502210805
I use the Eco setting on our dishwasher which uses just four gallons, but the cycle is still 110 minutes according to the manual! There is no other setting that would be shorter. I'm also guilty of using the heated dry...maybe I'll cut that out first. I know I will miss that as I know I will have to dry a lot of things when they come out of the dishwasher. If I wash by hand I would just air dry them.
August 8th, 2017 at 06:35 pm 1502213725
I honestly feel I've cut back most of what I could already. But when my car insurance is up for renewal in October, I plan to drop the collision. It's a bit early maybe for a 2013 but will save me money and I'm not driving much these days. I also continue to watch my grocery spending and really hope to see a lower number by year's end.
August 8th, 2017 at 07:12 pm 1502215924
August 8th, 2017 at 07:45 pm 1502217906
August 8th, 2017 at 07:53 pm 1502218381
August 8th, 2017 at 08:11 pm 1502219470
Bread is inexpensive and easy to make, especially if you use a bread machine [incredibly inexpensive, nearly new at Thrift Stores] The problem was we were eating an entire loaf a day because it's so delicious. You see it on your hips very quickly! Since tomato sauce/spaghetti sauce is a regular 'loss leader,' I don't see a savings in making tomato sauce except at rare points when I have enough home grown tomatoes.
Some families with limited incomes limit eating out to special celebratory occasions like milestone anniversaries, graduations and significant raises. There is a wonderful challenge to making memorable birthday cakes for example. We've almost always celebrated our anniversaries at home with an elegant meal because we never managed to have anything to eat at our own wedding.
Since this Big Goal is primarily your project, would you consider re entering the workforce to increase household income?
August 8th, 2017 at 08:17 pm 1502219871
August 8th, 2017 at 08:39 pm 1502221166
August 9th, 2017 at 12:47 am 1502236031
Find something you like to do and it will be a great transition back to work. Are you planning on spending this year figuring it out?
August 15th, 2017 at 03:12 am 1502763125
I haven't made the jump yet because last time when I looked into it, I actually couldn't .. refuse this service in my city? Unless I'm moving or something. Plus, I still need sewer and water service.
One of these days, I may look into it again. But you know me, I was trying to move into a car anyways.
August 15th, 2017 at 03:14 am 1502763294
August 15th, 2017 at 12:51 pm 1502797876
August 15th, 2017 at 01:17 pm 1502799467
Tabs, I may check Google Voice again. I know I looked into it before I got the Ooma. Not sure now why I didn't go that route. Maybe our trash drop offs are also convenience centers. Still need to check with my husband on this one. I'd want to use his truck if we did make that change.
August 16th, 2017 at 06:15 pm 1502903718
August 16th, 2017 at 09:29 pm 1502915344
August 17th, 2017 at 04:46 pm 1502984773