This morning I'm eating my steel cut oats I made overnight in the crockpot. It usually makes enough for four breakfasts. There are no more steel cut oats in my pantry, and I have now used half of the almond milk I wanted to use up.
Yesterday, I harvested two nice size zucchinis, a summer squash, one cherry tomato and a bag full of romaine lettuce. I could have harvested more lettuce, but I will wait until I have finished what I harvested. When I'm out mowing in a bit I will fertilize all the plants again. It is very satisfying to have a garden even if small. I really may need to consider that we need to rent a smaller home with a yard, rather than an apartment next year.
The last two days were no spend days. We only left the house once and that was a trip to the library where one of my daughter's picked up two books, and I borrowed a DVD (The Help).
Tonight we are having fried rice for dinner, so I will use up most of the frozen veggies that have been in the freezer a little too long. Does anyone freeze rice? I saw that some people do that to save time.
A book we had listed on eBay sold last night. That will drop a couple dollars into our bank account. Adding it to the Big Goal, of course!
I redeemed Swagbucks for a $25 Amazon gift card. I hoping it arrives soon as I would like to buy a food processor. I don't need high end at this point, just one that is reliable enough to do shredded cheese and make hummus (my blender doesn't do that well). I'm sure I will use it for more things, but until I'm using it regularly, I'm not spending a lot.
I joined back up with Ibotta. I stopped for awhile as it seemed to take forever to get to the pay out threshold. I do want the savings on the things I buy anyway. I don't get as many as some would as the rebates are on a lot of products I don't buy. Anyone else still using Ibotta? If you are new to this savings and want to sign up, my referral code is
The really good news is my lower level air conditioner is working! I didn't pay for the service call because that is a landlord responsibility. The bad news, it isn't technically fixed. The technician couldn't find a leak, or any other parts that weren't working. So added freon and said it should keep cooling for three months. So annoying! I'd be really irritated if I were the one paying for the service calls.
That is the frugal news of the day!
July 7th, 2017 at 12:41 pm 1499427661
I still use Ibotta, but it's starting to be more sporadic. I either forget to log the receipts or end up buying stuff I don't really need just to hit the bonuses and reach payout faster.
Our AC broke at the beginning of the summer. Fortunately, it was just a burnt out capacitor and my FIL knew a guy who did it for cheap (at least, cheap by DC area standards!).
July 7th, 2017 at 01:52 pm 1499431976
Debtfree, the easiest way to start is to buy starter p!ants and just plant them-- in plastic window box type containers you haven't dug some sunny garden space yet. Or plant lettuce from seed ( spring mix would be fast). Lettuce doesn't like heat, but
you could get a fall planting in. Maybe 2_ in DC.
July 9th, 2017 at 06:55 pm 1499622915