Home > Returns


June 13th, 2017 at 02:43 pm

I returned a shirt to Kohl's this morning. I received $9.97 back to my Kohl's card and $1.34 in Kohl's cash. I find it odd to get Kohl's cash because the Kohl's cash I received had already been used in full. So a mini bonus I guess. At least I have 30 days to use it.

I have a pair of jeans I bought in April from JC Penney's that I need to return also. That will bring $20+ back to our budget.

The money is all going back to the clothing budget as there has been more spending there as of late.

Do you have anything at home that you purchased, but have now decided not to use? Return it and put that money back in your budget!

2 Responses to “Returns”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    Fortunately we haven't had to return anything lately. Glad you got both a refund and Kohls cash refund. Nice.

  2. PatientSaver Says:

    When i had my bookshelves built, I removed the plate covering the electrical outlet and put it somewhere for safekeeping. For the life of me, i couldn't find it. I searched all over. Finally, I gave up and bought a new one at Walmart, only to find the original one a day or two later. Since the new one only cost .61, i didn't bother to return it.

    But good advice, of course.

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