Our electric bill for last month showed up in my inbox last week. I was scared to look. The temperatures were much lower than normal for this time of year and the heat was running a lot. And yes, I did have Christmas lights on a few hours each night. Total bill is $315!! Last year it was $183. The highest in the last year was March at $257, with July in a close second at $253. I know we could reduce the heat, but it is very hard to get my husband on board with that in the winter as he gets cold very easy.
Today the van was in to look at the air conditioning again. They didn't find a leak, but found the relay was sticking. This was my theory of the problem last time it was in, but they said it was fine. It has been replaced for just under $79.
I leftover tacos for lunch. Tonight I will use the bone broth and the white kidney beans and chicken to make a White Chicken Chili. It's so yummy!
Electric Bill and Van Repair
January 16th, 2017 at 05:20 pm
January 16th, 2017 at 06:03 pm 1484589833
Also, how is the insulation in your house? When we moved in 5 years ago, we discovered our electric and gas companies had a program where, if you paid for a $50 energy audit, you received a rebate for up to 60 percent off any efficiency upgrades you made, including insulation. It was a great program. We managed to get attic and wall insulation plus weather proofing for what we would have paid jut for attic insulation!
Maybe there's something similar in your area?
January 16th, 2017 at 06:13 pm 1484590401
January 16th, 2017 at 09:26 pm 1484601983
January 16th, 2017 at 09:54 pm 1484603669
January 17th, 2017 at 02:26 am 1484619989
January 19th, 2017 at 06:19 am 1484806769