Home > Amex Offer and Europe Trip

Amex Offer and Europe Trip

October 7th, 2016 at 09:42 pm

I was looking at our American Express account today and noticed that there was a new offer providing 10% off a cable or satellite bill. The offer is good through 1/31/2017. Limit on credits is $30. So I think the offer can be redeemed for more than one bill. I plan to use the American Express card for three months and will be able to redeem close to the $30 limit.

We just enrolled our daughter in her WWII Europe trip for this summer. I paid in full. I did charge it to our Southwest card, but we have the cash on hand. I will get some miles and a little extra purchase protections. The trip is 14 days and includes a lot for $4719. We did add on a side trip to Versailles for $100.

My daughter is going to pay for some of the additional spending money she will need to cover at least one meal a day, souvenirs and a few other extra side trips that may come up. She will also need to pay for her passport.

I now need to come up with a plan to make sure we pay ourselves back for the purchase. If I had signed up for the payment plan I would have been paying about $569 a month, which is probably doable.

I had to laugh last night when we left the meeting about the trip because I was talking about the cost. He said, isn't there some card you can apply for and get $500 in rewards?! I guess he has come to see that is a way to bring in some cash. Smile And it probably wouldn't hurt to look around and see if any offers come up.

4 Responses to “Amex Offer and Europe Trip”

  1. Jenn Says:

    That trip sounds like an awesome opportunity for your daughter! It's nice that you didn't have to worry about how to pay for it too. A good reminder of why it's so important to minimize the everyday expenses that don't matter - so we can spend on the big things that do.

  2. Pnwmom Says:

    I'm sure she will have a blast! My DD2 spent six weeks in Italy this summer doing a study abroad and loved it....she was also able to take a side trip to Croatia. Glad you are able to make it happen Smile

  3. CB in the City Says:

    What a wonderful trip for your daughter!

  4. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Thanks for mentioning the Amex deals!

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