Home > A Few Things

A Few Things

June 9th, 2016 at 02:36 am

I'm loving watermelon right now!! So good for you and tasty. Smile

My youngest daughter is out of school for the summer, but starts band camp next week, and then her online German class! She is going to be busy...hopefully not too busy, so we can still get to Washington DC in July.

I got a class action claim check in the mail from Tom's of Maine for $30.59! Wow, I sure wasn't expecting that! But I did know just what to do with it. I deposited into our savings account right away!

My husband's tablet (Samsung Galaxy)stopped responding to touch commands a few weeks ago. We decided to research if it was a part we could buy and replace ourselves. The answer is yes! We actually bought two screen digitizers at $21.99 each. The second one works!! The first screen digitizer was just a bit hard to reattach and after we did it didn't work quite right. And then to top it off we cracked the screen. But those errors did help us get it just perfect the second time. So for less than $44 we were able to fix something that would have cost us around $400 to replace new. My husband is super happy to have it back!!

It seems that class action claim check helped cover some of our costs! I like that. Smile

5 Responses to “A Few Things”

  1. snafu Says:

    Kudos to you and DH for your willing to try to fix items that cease to work and better yet, are usually successful. The current mode from most is to either leave it broken in a drawer or throw it in a recycle bin! They then rush to buy a replacement without checking for any warranty, any repair or product research. My neighbour was so upset when she discovered her iPhone wasn't working, she needed me to drive her to the Apple outlet so she could immediately get a phone with instant activation.

  2. LivingAlmostLarge Says:

    Nice good job on repairs.

  3. ceejay74 Says:

    Watermelon is my favorite fruit! I should get some; forgot it was coming back in season.

  4. scottish girl Says:

    I never buy watermelon, I think I'm going to start though.

  5. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Good job on the diy fix!

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