Home > $493


June 2nd, 2016 at 04:41 pm

Today was the wisdom teeth removal surgery for my oldest daughter. Despite being very nervous, she did great...although I nearly fainted as I was leaving the exam room. I'm fine though too. I probably didn't eat enough before going with her. Smile

Cost was $493. I set that money aside yesterday when I was paying bills. So I can pay that off the credit card as soon as it posts.

I also picked up three prescriptions for her at CVS. With our insurance, they came to just over $10. I doubt she will take all of them, so it is good they didn't cost much. While I was there, an elderly woman was picking up an inhaler. It didn't seem to be covered under her insurance. She paid $72 out of pocket. She was originally waiting to pay with a $20 bill, but then had to write a check. I just wonder if there was some confusion on her insurance. Hard to know for sure.

6 Responses to “$493”

  1. Carol Says:

    Some inhalers are very expensive. One of mine is $69. And that is with mail away and insurance. Asthma meds have gone up significantly in the last few years.

  2. Carol Says:

    Forgot to say--sending healing thoughts to your daughter. Wisdom tooth surgery is not fun. So quick recovery to her!

  3. MonkeyMama Says:

    Glad to hear it went well!

  4. Jenn Says:

    Glad it went well, and that it was not more expensive.

  5. My English Castle Says:

    Ouch--hope your daughter has a speedy recovery. Planning smoothies?

  6. rob62521 Says:

    Hope your daughter is doing well. Sorry about your weak moment. Glad you are OK.

    Perhaps the lady with the inhaler had already gotten her limit for inhalers for the month or 3 months so insurance wouldn't cover it.

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