Home > Whew...


May 16th, 2016 at 02:57 am

It was a long week, but awesome as well.

My college daughter is home for the summer. It is great to see her. Smile It's fun to hear my daughter's laughing together especially.

My parents were here and ended up leaving a day early. Since they drove 20 hours to get here, they are taking advantage of the trip back to stop at some 'must see' places on their way back. They decided a head start would give them a little more time to enjoy those places before they have to be home.

This is really the first time I've lived so far from my parents. And while I've seen them three other times in the last ten months, this had been the longest stretch and it was hard to say goodbye. I was a little surprised at this!

The week was a bit spendy with more groceries purchased, admission to a botanical garden, extra gas needed for driving around, and we did a quick stock up of cleaning and toiletry items for my daughter so my parents can drive it back and have it stored for when my daughter arrives back to her dorm. And I decluttered a few items to send back as well. A couple for the dorm room and several toys for my newest nieces (my sister and her husband adopted a nine year old girl and now her younger sister is about to be placed with them with the plan to adopt! )

3 Responses to “Whew...”

  1. laura Says:

    Blessings to your sister and brother-in-law on re-uniting their daughter and her sister.

  2. My English Castle Says:

    I'll bet you were SO happy to see them all. Especially fabulous to have your DDs home together. Enjoy!

  3. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    It's nice to have family visit, but the pocketbook sure reflects it.

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