Home > Interest, Savings and More

Interest, Savings and More

April 30th, 2016 at 10:37 pm

The interest on all of our accounts for the month of April was equal to $61.67. I'd rather have ten times that amount!

We saved $25 automatically from my husband paycheck last month. It's a requirement for one of the CDs we have to have a payroll deposit.

I have paid all credit cards in full since payday occurred on Friday. All spending and saving categories have been funded. The emergency fund received a boost by $458.

My husband bought two new uniforms, a pair of boots, t shirts and PT uniform this week. He's been putting off changing over to the new one since it isn't required for another year. He finally gave in to peer pressure primarily. Everyone else is switching over. Granted he has had his current ones for quite a few years now. It's just time. He is having new name plates and rank sewn on as well. In all he spent $528.12. I'm sure he'll be wearing all these items for several years, so we will get our money's worth.

We went shopping for new end tables for our living room. We bought the couches and chair in December. Last week we bought a rug (the room didn't have one before). Now we need tables, since we don't have any at all. It sure is hard to find exactly what you want at the right price!

2 Responses to “Interest, Savings and More”

  1. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Your accounts (and MonkeyMama's) post interest nice and early! I'll have to wait til at least tomorrow to know mine.

  2. alice4now Says:

    I never thought to tally up total interest among all accounts, it might look a lot better than .62 here and .34 there!

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