Home > Band Fundraising

Band Fundraising

April 20th, 2016 at 01:24 pm

My daughter's band is fundraising this weekend with a BBQ plate fundraiser. I've purchased five of the ten tickets ($8 each, so $40) they wanted each child to sell. Three for us, and two that my parents would buy if they lived here to eat the BBQ. I've donated about $5 worth of cookies and loaned out two tables, two coolers and a crockpot. I'm also volunteering my time on Friday morning to assist.

We can no longer fundraise through my husband's work due to ethical reasons. And I'm fine with that. However, we don't know anyone else, besides band parents to sell to! This is where I feel much more strongly about being able to just donate cash, or skip the fundraising and just charge us our portion of the costs to participate. Last year we paid $250 plus the cost of shoes for her to participate in band. Apparently, this year is going to be more expensive because of more props, oh and they bought new uniforms (although I think those are paid for).

What I wonder is will I end up paying more out of pocket with or without participating in the fundraiser? I will probably never know.

Fundraising is a strange beast.

3 Responses to “Band Fundraising”

  1. CB in the City Says:

    I have always felt I would rather just donate cash rather than try to sell things to family and friends. That's so uncomfortable for me!

  2. My English Castle Says:

    Me too--and have you ever bought anything that was really special? The only thing I've liked is bags, but now we have too many of those. Is there someone at work or a neighbor you can give the extra two tickets to? It might be a nice way to reach out to someone?

  3. creditcardfree Says:

    MEC, the only good thing I remember buying was set of six Christmas gift bags. I reuse them every year! The problem is my husband and all his coworkers have a big conference this weekend, so no one is going to make it over to the school to pick up plates of food. I may take them to the neighbors. Smile

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