Home > Time For Graduation and Weddings

Time For Graduation and Weddings

April 19th, 2016 at 07:01 pm

We've received a wedding invitation and a graduation invite in the last two weeks. We don't plan to attend as they are not nearby. I know of one other graduation (my cousin's daughter) also. Oh, and I guess one of my nieces graduated in December from high school, so she may be having a celebration, too!

The wedding invite is a little strange as I only met the bride once briefly. She's the daughter of my husband's coworker. I feel torn about a gift, but decided in the spirit of generosity we can spare $40 as a gift to a young couple.

I think for graduations I will give $25.

Figuring these kinds of gifts out is an interesting process. First can I afford to give anything? Yes. Second what is too little and what is too much, thus what is the right amount. I think my husband would toss everyone a $100 bill, but I think that is too much for many situations.

I did buy all the cards I need for these cash gifts at Walmart today. I did make sure to buy $0.47 and $0.97 cards. Smile

I never did send out graduation announcements for my daughter who graduated high school last year. We weren't having a party, thus no invites to mail. Some people sent a gift, but many did not, which is perfectly fine from our perspective. I do wonder how many more gifts she would have received if an announcement or invite had been mailed.

What is your take on wedding and graduation gifts?

3 Responses to “Time For Graduation and Weddings”

  1. LivingAlmostLarge Says:

    I send baby gifts and wedding gifts even if not invited sometimes. Sometimes you just want to. Anyway I think the price for gifts perfect. Too over generous when you don't know the couple is weird. And relative's graduation perfect as well.

  2. MonkeyMama Says:

    I don't see us making a big deal about graduations.

    No one we know graduates or gets married any more. ??? I guess a bridge we will have to cross eventually. (We are in a major lull. I am sure things will pick up when our kids get a little older, and all our nieces and nephews).

  3. VS_ozgirl Says:

    We do $50 for people who are friends and more if they are immediate family

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