We've received a wedding invitation and a graduation invite in the last two weeks. We don't plan to attend as they are not nearby. I know of one other graduation (my cousin's daughter) also. Oh, and I guess one of my nieces graduated in December from high school, so she may be having a celebration, too!
The wedding invite is a little strange as I only met the bride once briefly. She's the daughter of my husband's coworker. I feel torn about a gift, but decided in the spirit of generosity we can spare $40 as a gift to a young couple.
I think for graduations I will give $25.
Figuring these kinds of gifts out is an interesting process. First can I afford to give anything? Yes. Second what is too little and what is too much, thus what is the right amount. I think my husband would toss everyone a $100 bill, but I think that is too much for many situations.
I did buy all the cards I need for these cash gifts at Walmart today. I did make sure to buy $0.47 and $0.97 cards.
I never did send out graduation announcements for my daughter who graduated high school last year. We weren't having a party, thus no invites to mail. Some people sent a gift, but many did not, which is perfectly fine from our perspective. I do wonder how many more gifts she would have received if an announcement or invite had been mailed.
What is your take on wedding and graduation gifts?
Time For Graduation and Weddings
April 19th, 2016 at 08:01 pm
April 19th, 2016 at 09:32 pm 1461097969
April 20th, 2016 at 06:16 am 1461129402
No one we know graduates or gets married any more. ??? I guess a bridge we will have to cross eventually. (We are in a major lull. I am sure things will pick up when our kids get a little older, and all our nieces and nephews).
April 20th, 2016 at 08:49 am 1461138589