Home > Cash Related Updates

Cash Related Updates

April 18th, 2016 at 09:23 pm

Pinecone has awarded me another $3 for taking a survey last week. I may wait to redeem.

I made a $29.97 purchase on my American Express card. I will use $25 of the $45 rewards I have accumulated towards the balance. I will count the reward as a snowflake for April.

My parents gifted us with cash for our 20th wedding anniversary last week. The check amount was $120.20. I'm going to put this money into savings rather than setting it aside to melt away.

Our electric bill is down this month by $50! So nice. Clearly not using much heat or air right now. Still keeping windows closed most of the time because of my daughter's allergies. Beautiful outside though!

The water bill was up by about $45. It seems that we use more water when the sprinkler system is on. Funny how that happens. Smile

And finally our cell phone bill is only $54 this month, thanks to changing plans last month. Part of our overage in charges last month, after the change resulted in a smaller bill this month. I think around $140 from here forward for four people.

No big spending going on right now. May buy some annuals this weekend for some of my pots that have been empty for more than a year because of our move.

4 Responses to “Cash Related Updates”

  1. rob62521 Says:

    Congrats on the 20th anniversary!

    Sounds like you are doing quite well either earning extra money or saving it. Good show!

  2. Ima saver Says:

    Happy anniversary!!

  3. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Happy 20th!

    My cell phone bill is way up this month. I think even if I was still with ATT, I'd be using up the overage minutes lickety split! I still have 9 days left in the billing cycle, and am at $56+taxes. That'll be the most ever on Ting for me. (It doesn't help that one day I let my SBs app run through a whole 10SBs worth of videos on data ... unknowingly. I only found out when I got a text from Ting telling me I' exceeded 475 mbs! Somehow when I updated the app, the setting to only run on WiFi got changed. Ugh!)

  4. LivingAlmostLarge Says:

    Happy 20th wedding anniversary! How exciting and fun. And inspiring!

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