Home > Retirement is Up

Retirement is Up

April 16th, 2016 at 02:56 pm

Finally, with the market going back up the retirement totals are going back up! Ended last year with $330K. We are now at $343K. Total investments thus far are around $5K in the first three months of the year. The next milestone is $350K which I really, really hope to see this year. It doesn't seem impossible if the market can stay a bit steady. But who knows!

I did receive the Brinks Prepaid card in the mail. The wording doesn't make me confident that I can get the savings account without a direct deposit of $500. I don't want to do that. I might try the NetSpend card instead.

1 Responses to “Retirement is Up”

  1. Jenn Says:

    I was in a similar position last year and did NOT meet my milestone, which seemed like a sure thing halfway through the year. I'm happy to say that it's met now - just later than I'd hoped. Since you can't control the market performance, you just have to focus on what you can control - contributions and allocations. Good luck!

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