We paid $0 in interest. No mortgage. No personal loans. No credit cards with balances. Yippee!!
We earned $59.44. Boy do I wish that was more! But it is better than nothing.
It may have seemed as though we spent $0 based on the original title to my post yesterday. I edited it. We did spend money in February on needs to the tune of about $900. And of course, we paid our bills like rent, electric, trash, water, cell phone, life insurance. And we saved around $3700 in cash, plus $1662.33 for retirement and $166.66 for college.
I picked up three large packages of toilet paper at Target. Each was $15.99 with 27 double rolls. I added on some Windex to get my total over $50 so I could use a $15 coupon off a $50 purchase. I think we are stocked up on toilet paper for at least half a year!
February Interest & a Deal
March 2nd, 2016 at 01:15 am