Home > 2015 Snowflakes

2015 Snowflakes

December 31st, 2015 at 02:11 pm

I'll post of picture of my December 2015 income sources and total. Those amounted to $448.13! Ebay sales helped quite a bit, along with credit card rewards.

As for the entire year of 2015, my snowflake totals equal $2,725.47. I did have many months where I wasn't too focused on bringing in extra funds, primarily because of our move. We also limited our acquisition of new credit cards as well, so there were not many large bonus rewards.

I didn't add the cash we received from our damage claim. That was just over $1400, and could really be considered a snowflake. That would bring the total up to at least $4,135 for 2015. We also had other money come in as a result of our move, but I didn't track that well. Those payments would probably bring add another $7200. Of course, those were really reimbursements for money it's not like I have a large chunk of cash sitting around as a result.

Overall, it was a good year for finding extra funds. I hope to make 2016 even better! Will you be tracking your extra income/snowflakes in 2016? How did you do in 2015?

3 Responses to “2015 Snowflakes”

  1. My English Castle Says:

    Decluttering (thanks CCF) has helped my snowflake totals. The biggest for us is the Chase cash back and that blasted Swagbucks. I'm hoping to rustle up more freelance work later in 2016 too. Mostly on Shop and Earn but some concerted swagging over the summer has netted $575, with $200 more ready to be cashed out. Lots of this went for gifts as I intended.

  2. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    What was the Visa Checkout offer?

  3. creditcardfree Says:

    @FT, the Visa Checkout offer was available for using my Chase Freedom account on Visa Checkout to make a purchase and get $15 back. I don't think the store mattered, but I think there was a special for free 2 Day shipping with Land's End, so I bought a shirt and fleece hat. My total was about $17. And I did get the $15 credit on my Chase Freedom account within a week.

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