Home > She's Home

She's Home

December 28th, 2015 at 10:24 pm

Our daughter is home from college! The weather cooperated with her flights leaving on time. Classes did end before Christmas but she went with her band to a bowl game over Christmas. Our team won!

We spent money on gas for the van today (around $19), $2 for an hour of parking, another $11 at Starbucks in the airport while we waited for the flight, and $28 for lunch on the road between airport and home. My daughter didn't eat this morning so she was 'starving'. The rest of us probably could have waited, but it's all good. There was money in the budget for eating out.

We will probably stay in the next few days being together and completing our holiday celebration. Although my husband has to work a little. We still have plenty of food to last through the end of the year. I'd really like to think we are done spending for the rest of the year!!

12 Responses to “She's Home”

  1. Carol Says:

    I'm so glad for you. Thanks for letting us know. Enjoy!

  2. rob62521 Says:

    Happy day! Glad it worked out!

  3. Beawealthywarrior Says:

    Yay for safe travel!!

  4. CB in the City Says:

    Good! I was thinking about her this morning! Weather is awful here -- many flights cancelled.

  5. Laura S. Says:

    Enjoy the time with your daughter!

  6. My English Castle Says:

    Hooray! I was also thinking of you and the challenging weather. Hunker down and enjoy each other!

  7. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    Good. Mine called from Wisconsin when they had just 90 miles left to travel and told me they had driven out of the rain and wind pretty quickly after leaving here.

  8. VS_ozgirl Says:

    Glad to hear she's ok!

  9. Pnwmom Says:

    So glad she got home! One of the doctors I work for and her husband (who is a physical therapist) at our office are stuck back East in PA....they were suppose to fly home today, but apparently can't get out and/or can't get to where their coinnectig flight is.....looks like the earliest they can get home to the West coast is Thursday night...glad it all worked out for your daughter!

  10. MonkeyMama Says:


    I've got a friend who is trying to get her daughter to Chicago. She had like 5 canceled flights today. Crazy! They are trying again tomorrow.

  11. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    The game was pretty awesome. Smile NE told me he got some good tips from people who were in an extra celebratory mood Saturday night. Smile
    Glad she made it home safely.

  12. alice4now Says:

    Enjoy your time with your daughter!

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