Home > Visited Veteran's Park

Visited Veteran's Park

November 11th, 2015 at 09:19 pm

No work and school for my husband and daughter today in honor of Veteran's Day. We made a little outing for lunch to a local restaurant. Spent $40 for very yummy food!

Afterwards we ventured to the the Veteran's Park in our new town. It is technically a state park and honors all veterans from the state's 100 counties. It was really well done. And free. I took lots of pictures. It was really nice to be outside on this beautiful fall day.

The rest of the day we will spend at home eating dinner we planned from our pantry. We might need to sit out on our porch to enjoy a little more of the beautiful weather!

4 Responses to “Visited Veteran's Park”

  1. Ima saver Says:

    That sounds like a wonderful day.

  2. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Probably good you weren't still in Iowa today, because I don't think they were having very good weather. Smile (Like we also weren't.)

  3. creditcardfree Says:

    Yes I was glad to not be there!! One of those tornadoes touched down not too far from where my husband used to work! My daughter was irritated with the cold, wind and rain after 5pm when she had to ride her bike back to the dorm! Smile

  4. Livingalmostlarge Says:

    Great day!

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