My information was stolen from the government along with my husband's and 21.5 MILLION other people this summer. Ironically just this week the Army posted reminders about how to avoid identity theft. As if we only need to do these things to avoid theft of identity. What about our own government keeping the information provided to them safe?
We have been given three years of credit monitoring including our daughter under 18. Not sure about our oldest daughter seems she should get it too. She may be notified separately. There is identity restoration service and $1 million worth of insurance attached to this as well in case our identities are stolen causing financial harm.
Ick. Sometimes I really do dislike the government!
Oh, and the insurance company for the moving company is offering us $1400 of the $2600 we claimed for the damage they did to our things. One of the items that is damaged the most is being denied! We can appeal. We are going to discuss tonight to determine if we will or not.
Everything that was moved was put on an inventory. The driver logs it along with current damage. He seems to have logged damage on an entertainment center that would match the area we are claiming, but I think his notes were for other damage in that same area...not the big damage we now have and didn't have before. It is really hard to prove this unless we had up close pics before, which we don't. Why would we take a close up of the corner of furniture when it wasn't damaged? It appears someone attempted to repair the area with wax, marker and spray stain. It looks awful. And I feel so mad when I think about it.
I'm working on calculating our net paychecks for next year. I won't really have all information until January, but I have the taxable portion so I should be able to roughly calculate taxes owed for 2016. I need to know this to figure the withholding necessary. I was way off this year since I hadn't figured out the tuition tax credits. The main reason I want to figure net pay is so I can determine if we can actually afford this Europe trip my daughter wants to take. It is a trip that will cost us close to $5K. It is definitely something to plan for and figure out.
Identity Theft & Move Offer
October 28th, 2015 at 03:11 pm
October 28th, 2015 at 04:33 pm 1446049994
October 28th, 2015 at 04:40 pm 1446050428
Sorry I can't help.
October 28th, 2015 at 10:41 pm 1446072079
We had a break-in years and years ago. When insurance tried to deny a great many items I was so angry at the stupid things the claims agent said, I used that energy to prove every item was legit. It took a lot of State Farm staff's time to review the avalanche of information I was able to provide. I encourage everyone to take detailed photos of every room for a digital album copied on icloud over Christmas when you're taking photos anyways. I take photos of the bill, attached to any expensive item because it's so easy.
October 28th, 2015 at 11:05 pm 1446073503
It is the principle of denying the damage on the entertainment center because the driver seems to have said it was in that condition at origin. It was NOT. And I was not a happy camper with that driver on the day of yes, I'm mad enough to make an issue out of it! If only to make my point.
I do have receipt, but we already told them the original cost. I'm not sure if it is necessary.
October 29th, 2015 at 08:45 am 1446108333
October 29th, 2015 at 11:20 pm 1446160858