Home > Donated and Sold

Donated and Sold

October 23rd, 2015 at 12:37 am

I donated the money in my PayPal account today. The money was from snowflakes: YNAB referral money and Pinecone survey rewards. I donated to Momastery(look for the page on Facebook). I was inspired to give the $21 I earned away. You can read more about it

Text is here. and Link is
here. Little amounts of money from many people add up. And this didn't even have to affect our budget! I was saving for something, but it can wait. I will earn more snowflakes. Smile

I sold shares from my oldest daughters mutual fund today. The market was up just enough that I didn't want to miss out. If it goes up more great, I have more money I need to withdraw. I'm paying ourselves back for covering her first semester of tuition out of our savings. I withdrew $1718 worth of shares. I will need to do this at two more times before the end of the year. I figure if I dollar cost averaged purchases, I can dollar cost average sales, too.

Are you ever inspired to donate when you least expect it?

3 Responses to “Donated and Sold”

  1. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Yep, most definitely. I budget a certain amount each month for "charity" beyond my usual tithe. If I haven't found anything specific by the last week of the month, I send it to various things at my church. I like having a little bit of money to feel generous with once in awhile.

  2. bluesfemme Says:

    Re donating, I followed ceejay's idea and have an amount each month we can donate to whatever we want. It's so freeing and I'm grateful to Ceejay for sharing. I am also grateful to you for sharing that link. I've been reading the blog and the emotions and thoughts have really touched a chord, and was something I really need at this time. Thank you.

  3. creditcardfree Says:

    Since I don't specifically budget for charity, I have to act on it when I know I can afford it which is technically ALWAYS and I feel drawn to do so.

    @bluesfemme, I'm glad the link and information within touched you. Her book is REALLY good!

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