Home > Snowflake Status

Snowflake Status

October 7th, 2015 at 01:44 pm

I've had so many snowflakes(extra money) recently and I'm trying to track them, but I feel I may have lost track of some of them. The amount I recorded for September was $110. It may have been more. Or less, as I'm guessing on my eBay sales. I didn't do all the math, just going from memory.

I have $20 arriving by check from Checkout 51. It took me at least 1.5 years to accumulate that. Ugh. I have $25 from Swagbucks that I'm expecting in my PayPal account soon. I redeemed the available balance from

Text is TopCashBack and Link is
TopCashBack which was $6.56 for an Amazon gift card, which when I claimed they bumped up the amount to $6.72. I made a GNC purchase with them earlier this week to get 16% cash back. That is pending and should bring my earnings with them to over $10 and then make me eligible for the $10 bonus. Smile That will mean another $13+ to redeem.

We got a check from our previous electric company in the mail for $16.02. The electric company is a co-op so they return 'capital credits' to you since you were a member. As long as we keep them notified of our address they will mail us check for the years we had service with them. This check is going to pay down the balance on the Citi card with is $650 before the payment which I'm going to round to $17.

I have $4.59 rewards on our Discover account. I had made a purchase at Amazon and used them, but then returned the item. As a result the rewards are back in the account.

Oh, and my husband bought a movie at the military Exchange store and received a $5 gift card. I'll probably use that today to buy something we need...toiletries or maybe some tea. Smile

I'm going to keep looking and accumulating snowflakes! How about you? Where do you stand with snowflakes?

Remember I'm posting 31 Days of Decluttering and Organizing this month on my other blog
Text is Your Organized Friend and Link is
Your Organized Friend.

2 Responses to “Snowflake Status”

  1. starfishy Says:

    thank you for using my referral code for YNAB!! Smile

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    Your welcome, starfishy! You are the only one I know with a referral code posted. Smile

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