Home > All is Good Here

All is Good Here

October 5th, 2015 at 07:30 pm

I think I mentioned in my last post we were to get swiped by Hurricane Joaquin. Since then it has changed paths. Of course, we are still getting a lot of rain. It has actually been raining here for 12 days. Yes. 12!!

The rain caused the home football game to be moved to Thursday night. My daughter and the band were to perform. It ended up raining so much that they let the band go after the first quarter of the game. Thank goodness. I was soaked.

The rain continued and caused the state to issue a State of Emergency. Unfortunately this cancelled the marching band competition my parents flew in to see. And to make matters worse, my Dad arrived with 'allergies' that we most of us caught. He thought it was allergies initially, but obviously a cold virus. It even caused my daughter to be sent home from school today. And she will miss tomorrow too because she had a fever.

So I sit here thankful for time with family and wishing to feel better soon! Oh, and we didn't lose power by the way either. More financial stuff later when I feel better.

4 Responses to “All is Good Here”

  1. VS_ozgirl Says:

    Hoping you feel better soon! At least Joaquín missed you guys!

  2. Miz Pat Says:

    take care of yourself and feel better

  3. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Glad you fared well, other than getting sick! Get well soon!

  4. livingalmostlarge Says:

    Feel better soon. 12 days? That sounds dreadful. The flooding looks terrible.

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