Home > $1200 Increase

$1200 Increase

May 19th, 2015 at 02:00 pm

I had recorded our retirement totals on Friday, but then check them again this morning since I saw the market had a good day yesterday. In total our holdings increased $1200 in just one business day. That's a nice chunk of change!!

We are currently just under $334K in retirement funds. I don't write that to brag, but to remind you that you can save money and it does add up. Our balance in May 2003 (yes 12 years ago) was just $25,700. We have been maxing our Roth IRAs for at least six years, maybe a bit longer. We also put 10% of my husband's basic pay into his work TSP account, and that is a recent increase from 8%, and I think at one point we only did 6%. And currently our entire monthly contribution to our retirement accounts is 16.64% of my husband's gross pay. Sometimes I actually wonder if this is too much!

I hope you are investing your earnings for your retirement. It does pay off. The sooner you start the less you need to contribute, too. It's okay to start small and gradually increase as you can.

Did your retirement accounts increase yesterday?

6 Responses to “$1200 Increase”

  1. LivingAlmostLarge Says:

    Woot! We're probably on track to hitting $600k this year we'll see. And we started in 2005 with $2k probably.

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    @LAL, nice! You make more money than we do or picked better investments!!

  3. snafu Says:

    Terrific figures for retirement savings for the future. What really startles me is the difference between our actual contributions and the current value of our various retirement plans. I feel a lot of the progress revolves around the magic of long term compounding of a modest sum, steady increases in contribution and attention to MER/fees and specific holdings. I also remember the dismay during the 2008-2010 period when 1/3 of the perceived value vanished. I remember how difficult it was to continue with the plan I had set out in 2005 for the period to 2011.

    Financially, our turn around point was the decision to focus on paying off the mortgage. That sum was then re-directed to creating an aggressive, non retirement portfolio. The trick was to make a spending plan and stick to it. I remember explaining to my free spending brother that 'we weren't buying stuff we didn't need, with money we didn't have to impress people we didn't know and didn't care about''. [modified Dave Ramsey]

  4. Petunia 100 Says:

    It certainly is adding up nicely. Smile

  5. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    I didn't check my non-single stock accounts, but my single stock increased yesterday by several dollars a share. Smile

  6. Househopeful Says:

    I love seeing my balances grow! Great work!

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