Home > Paid July Rent and Deposit

Paid July Rent and Deposit

May 2nd, 2015 at 08:51 pm

We signed the lease agreement for the home we will be living in. We move in July 13. We also paid the deposit and first month's rent which is prorated for July. We did have to pull this money from our savings since that is a lot of cash! When we get paid in July we will pay it back, of course.

I don't actually think they are going to cash the check until they give us the keys, but just in case that money is in our account.

I'm working on getting bills paid with our May 1 paycheck. I hope to report more debt paid off and all the snowflakes earned in April soon!

3 Responses to “Paid July Rent and Deposit”

  1. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    That's great you already found and secured a place to live!

    Are you going to have time to do the vegan restaurant in O before going?

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    Might be able to...or another time when we visit my daughter. We need to come back to O to see my Mother in Law...either the last weekend of May or the first weekend of June. We are kind of working day by day right now. Smile

  3. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Okay, sounds good. Smile Just let me know when a good time is for you. The only weekend I'm busy is June 15/16ish.

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