Home > Delay of Pay

Delay of Pay

March 25th, 2015 at 03:36 pm

Hmmm...went to look at my husband's LES (Leave & Earnings Statement) for March with payment on April 1. And it's not there. I'm wondering if there is going to be a delay because of his change in location.

He will get paid...but now the question is when? I sent him an email to inquire. I guess I need to make a plan to use savings for the most important bills which for April 1 is just the mortgage.

Fun times...

6 Responses to “Delay of Pay”

  1. Joanne Says:

    Hope that your Husband gets his Les payment soon, and that you don't have to wait long. Maybe it was because of status change of location? Hope this gets answered soon ..

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    I think the change it location is a very likely culprit, but he should have gone through financing and if it was going to be delayed they should have stated, but it seems he doesn't currently know why. Frown

  3. creditcardfree Says:

    I just went to look again and there is a big banner on the front page indicated the LES will be available tomorrow and they apologized for the inconvenience. I guess I can wait one more day. Smile

  4. Joanne Says:

    Glad that you got an answer so soon. It is frustrating having to wait for pay, or pay info. I think that I told you that in the past, my son has had some delays ,and waits with his Navy pay. I know that before he moved to his duty station, he had some concerns, and some travel ,and deployment money waits. I hope that you get this money tommorow. Good luck with your upcoming move as a family, and hope that the planning goes smoothly. Your whole family has been so supportive in the military way of life. I am sure that you must be so proud of your husband.

  5. creditcardfree Says:

    The good news is I could see the LES this morning just as indicated. Payday is Wednesday, but I like to see the total and start making a plan on what will need to be paid and what can be saved.

  6. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Good news that you got the pay on time!

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