Darn. I made an error last month inputting the paycheck into our excel sheet. I flipped two numbers around. I input $3759, instead of $3579. I thought I had an $180 more than I really had. I remember it seemed a little odd when I was paying bills and had more than expected, but I sure wasn't thinking it was not correct!
I found the error today when I was balancing the checkbook. It took me awhile to figure it out, since I could tell all the transactions were correct.
Do you balance your checkbook?
Darn Error
March 12th, 2015 at 06:33 pm
March 12th, 2015 at 06:54 pm 1426186499
March 12th, 2015 at 07:38 pm 1426189089
My checkbook is always reconciled. With an electronic register and finance software it just automatically reconciles when I download data.
March 12th, 2015 at 07:58 pm 1426190291
A quick trick for when your balance is off -- divide the difference by 9. If it's evenly divisible (like your $180) it's usually a transposition error somewhere.
March 12th, 2015 at 09:25 pm 1426195513
March 13th, 2015 at 01:01 am 1426208505
March 13th, 2015 at 05:00 am 1426222806
Would you like Mint.com or one of the free financial programs? They give lots of opportunities to do 'what if' financial messing around. Wonder if it would be helpful in choosing your next home...
March 14th, 2015 at 06:18 pm 1426357104
I do keep track of my spending/income in YNAB though - but don't worry too much if it doesn't exactly match bank balances. If I were living paycheck to paycheck, then I probably would worry more about balancing to the penny.
March 16th, 2015 at 07:07 pm 1426532820