Home > Paid off the Tires!!

Paid off the Tires!!

February 28th, 2015 at 05:00 pm

I got new tires for my van earlier this month. We charged them to our Citi Thank You credit card, which currently has 0% interest. With an alignment we paid $818. I'm happy to report that with payday yesterday, we paid them in full!

We do still have a balance on this card. It is currently at $1,109.59. We started the year with a balance of $636.27 which I plan to pay off with snowflakes. The difference of $473.32 is recent charges, primarily my husband new suit. I expect to get that amount paid off by March 15, our next payday.

In theory we could just pay this card off in full with cash we have on hand, but since it isn't an emergency, we are just cash flowing things. We are spending the money slightly faster than we are bringing it in, thus charges from over two weeks ago are being paid now. I may get irritated with this method and just pay this off, but it seems to be working for right now.

I will have a February snowflake update tomorrow. The eBay sales have definitely helped this month!

1 Responses to “Paid off the Tires!!”

  1. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Congrats on being able to cashflow the tires!

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