Home > Retirement Prediction

Retirement Prediction

February 21st, 2015 at 03:45 am

Late this evening, after mentioning that stocks were at an all time high, I was thinking about where our retirement accounts might be at the end of 2015.

My prediction for 2015 is that our accounts will exceed $360,000. We ended 2015 with just over $311K. We expect to contribute about $18K this year and based on predictions of 8-10% return in the market, we could easily reach $360K.

So yes, that is my prediction we will end the year with $360,000 or more (of course preferably more!) at the end of 2015.

Do you know where your retirement accounts may end up at the end of the year? Care to make a prediction?

8 Responses to “Retirement Prediction”

  1. DecisiveParadox Says:

    Fingers crossed you double your expected return of 8-10% and finish the year with returns like a boss!
    My honest predictions is I would shrink any positions I have in US stocks. The last time currency spreads reached this level was early 2008, and we all know what a blood bath the last half of 2008 was.
    Now is a perfect time to use the strong dollar to reach further into weaker currencies to take more control of foreign asset positions. I am thinking brazil and Afghanistan.
    To many banks and funds out there are hurting from the strong dollar. its unsustainable and with the economic recessions hitting engine rooms of the global economy (Australia & China)the only way it can go is down.

    I will favourite this entry so we can revisit at the end of the year and see how my prediction went. Your predictions?

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    @DP, I didn't like 2008, but I didn't change a thing! I think that actually help us by staying in, rather than getting out and then back in. I definitely want to revisit this post at year end. If I were believe or expect your predictions I should get more international exposure...which wouldn't be a bad thing. Thanks for your comment!

  3. ceejay74 Says:

    I'd love to be approaching $300K, maybe $280K? But it'll only happen if we can start getting aggressive with our contributions soon. Not gonna grow that much on its own!

  4. Buendia Says:

    I have no idea! I check our accounts every three months and record in a spreadsheet. But it's hard to put a value on the Dublin house - it is going up, which is good, but who knows how much we'd really sell it for, or if it would be better to just use the rent as income. Or if we sold it and bought another rental...

  5. rob62521 Says:

    I sure hope you are correct. At this point, I'm not even going to try and make a prediction, but I sure hope my accounts are up.

  6. PatientSaver Says:

    Well, my goal that's embedded in my 5-year Countdown to Retirement for end of this year is $723K. That means I need to save and appreciate $59,000. Not sure I will reach this goal, since i stopped contributing to a traditional IRA that is tax-deferred and started contributing to a Roth IRA, where the taxes are taken out upfront. Paying the tax bill now is slowing down my savings rate.

  7. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    It depends on the one stock, but I'd guess it will be breaking 200k by the end of the year.

  8. Firstofmanysteps Says:

    I use only 3% in my calculation, so I was expecting around $120k.

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