Home > I Thought I Posted...

I Thought I Posted...

February 18th, 2015 at 03:48 am

Hmm. I thought I posted today or yesterday. It's seems I was last here on my own blog on Sunday. Time is flying!

I earned enough points with Bing to redeem for 500 Swagbucks. I now have over 2100 Swagbucks, so I'm close to another $25 Paypal deposit.

I completed a Pinecone Survey on Friday and I was credited my 300 points for that today (three more surveys until I can cash out). It seems I may be getting a sample for that survey as I see FedEx is showing I'm getting a package from them soon. For the life of me I can't remember what the product was I did the survey on!

The bill for our garage door maintenance arrived. I was expecting about $60, it was $104! Honestly, I would have tried another company, but I left my husband in charge on that one. It's done now and I wrote the check. It will be in tomorrow's mail.

The money is going out much faster than it is coming least from snowflakes! Smile

5 Responses to “I Thought I Posted...”

  1. snafu Says:

    I sure can empathize with you on garage door bill that apparently didn't get 3 price quotes. That's the protocol we agreed on but while I think it's important, DH values his time more than the yadda yadda he'll hear from me, lol. It's a possible difference of $ 44. but perhaps they did additional servicing which will be beneficial in the upcoming listing.

    Perhaps in future you can hand DH the list of 3 possibilities and ask him to make the 3 phone calls and choose his preferred vendor. Be prepared for rolling eyes and funny under the breath words...just smile.

  2. Laura S. Says:

    I think it is the first week of March that Swagbucks is making some changes for an Amazon cash out if you are interested. I believe it is 2250 for $25 Amazon. The 450 for $5 cards is going away. Frown

  3. creditcardfree Says:

    snafu, oh yes, DH highly values his time and definitely is willing to pay. If they say it's $100 fine. If they say it's $1000 fine. I'm sure part of it is the lack of complete knowledge of our finances. And he really does have limited time. He won't be hearing from me. The lesson I learned and should already know take care of it myself IF I want to complain. And this time I'm not really complaining just reporting! Smile

  4. creditcardfree Says:

    @Laura, thanks for the heads up! I'm not sure that I will wait for the Amazon sale. I just want cash right now. Smile

  5. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    CCF - It isn't a sale - the $5 AGCs are going away as of March 1. Of course it doesn't really matter to me anymore because I'm just doing Paypal now from SBs - AGCs from PerkPoints.

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