Home > Big Savings Sweep

Big Savings Sweep

January 16th, 2015 at 12:16 am

Wow! I guess we may have been overspending. Today I was able to sweep $1125 to savings. It feels like forever since I did that. I think the spending has slowed down in the last month and that allowed us to catch up on some other bills. Not that we were behind or owed anyone any interest or late fees.

We did have some bigger expenses we cash flowed: tires, brakes, senior pictures, college admission fee. That makes a difference in what we can set aside to save.

It just feels good to put a huge stash of money aside. Even if I might need it soon for new tires or federal taxes.

Do you think your spending is down in the new year? Have you save more than you usually do this month?

5 Responses to “Big Savings Sweep”

  1. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    My spending is definitely down this month. I'm hoping to keep it that way too! Smile

  2. laura/deacons wife Says:

    I think that I will be able to hit the $5K EF balance by 1/31 (presently at $4.15K (only $850). I am also hoping to pay an additional $250 to soccer, $250 to primary school tuition, and $400 to secondary school tuition. I think I will also be able to pay one month early the $101 license plate renewal fee.

  3. Kiki Says:

    well my spending is way down but...I sign papers on a house in less than two weeks so my purchase will knock everything else out of the park.

    Then I will limit my spending on anything except for things for the house.

  4. scottish girl Says:

    I think it's down. Savings is only up because of snowflakes.

  5. PatientSaver Says:

    Well, you probably well know my situation now, but my spending has been way up this year (new job, lots more $) but my savings are way up too. I hope to tame the spending demon inside me soon.

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