Home > Two Degrees of Snowflakes

Two Degrees of Snowflakes

January 5th, 2015 at 08:49 pm

This post is about both kinds of snowflakes, the found money variety and the frozen variety. It just began snowing here this afternoon. We are expecting at least six inches and it will come down fast. School decided it was worth dismissing early on their first day back from break. With the amount of snow and expected drop in temperatures, I'm not sure they will have school tomorrow or even Wednesday. But right now I just need my husband to get home safe!

I sold an item on eBay last night. My proceeds were just a little over $20. I did get it into the mail earlier today. I relisted three others that didn't sell. I usually relist a few times, sometimes adjusting prices, and if they don't sell they get donated. I don't want to hold on to everything!

I redeemed Bing Rewards for 500 Swagbucks, which I received right away. I was also able to redeem Swagbucks for $25 PayPal cash this weekend. It arrived really fast last time, but it isn't here yet.

Are you getting any snowflakes, of either variety?

6 Responses to “Two Degrees of Snowflakes”

  1. scottish girl Says:

    None here, of either kind. I wish they would hurry up - the money kind, that is.

  2. ThriftoRama Says:

    I'm wondering if we might have a snow day here, too. Yesterday, it was 50 degrees, this morning it was 12. Snow has lareayd started. I've loaded up the wood for the wood stove just in case!

  3. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    No new snow here today, but I did get 2 $5 AGCs from Swagbucks today. I need about 800 SBs to redeem for a $25 PP card - should have that by Wednesday or so once the
    SB credit card bucks come through. Smile

  4. creditcardfree Says:

    The meter bonuses on Swagbucks came through today. I earned 381 for December! I'm now halfway to the next $25 PP card. Smile

  5. scottish girl Says:

    @FT & CCF: That is amazing!

  6. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Between the meter bonuses and the cc bucks that came through today, I was able to order my PayPal. Smile

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