I made two sales yesterday! One was for a book I listed on Half.com back in August. I made $1.19. The other was an item I had listed on eBay. I think the profit on that is just under $30.
That money will go to the mortgage of course. I realized an extra payment I made to the mortgage didn't get applied correctly, well it didn't get applied at all! I must not have checked the principal box. I sent an email to have it corrected.
I hope to get at least two items listed on eBay today. I want more cash to put toward the final mortgage goal!
Have you sold anything recently? Do you have plans to sell anything before the end of the year?
December 2nd, 2014 at 02:32 pm
December 2nd, 2014 at 02:38 pm 1417531116
December 2nd, 2014 at 05:13 pm 1417540416
December 4th, 2014 at 11:59 pm 1417737582