Home > Mortgage Pay Down Update

Mortgage Pay Down Update

October 17th, 2014 at 11:50 pm

I usually save these updates for the end or beginning of the month, but I'm excited about about where we are! The goal since January has been to pay down our mortgage by $13,993 to bring the balance to $X15,000. An even amount. We numbers geeks like even numbers, right?

Since January, we have paid off $12,212.23!! We have just $1,780.76 left to pay off. And because I know where most of that money is coming from I'm even more excited. Here's where I expect the money to come from:

$250 Citi Thank You Reward
$476 Approx November Regular Principal
$379 Planned Extra Principal November
$478 Approx December Regular Principal
$104 Planned Extra Principal December

All of those expected planned payments equal $1,687. That is $93.76 short of the goal. I also expect there will be other snowflakes to easily meet the extra $93+ needed. If there are more snowflakes I will reduce the extra principal I send in at least until January comes around again.

I feel strongly that if I didn't make this goal in January, we wouldn't be were we are now. Always make a goal! It's worth it.

11 Responses to “Mortgage Pay Down Update”

  1. Wink Says:

    That is fantastic! Great job!

  2. Beawealthywarrior Says:

    Great job!

  3. nhgirl1970 Says:


  4. Bluebird Says:

    Awesome! Knowing you, you'll have more snowflakes which will exceed your goal. What goal will you be applying those toward?

  5. snafu Says:

    you're amazing! You've proved the famous saying...A goal without a plan and a time line is...just a dream. I've so enjoyed following your paying down your mortgage focus. $ 12, 212. direct to principal is huge! I'm guessing you'll be mortgage free by this time next year. I hope you're tracking the value of your home from online sites like Zillow etc.

  6. Ima saver Says:

    Congratulations! You are doing a great job!!

  7. PatientSaver Says:


  8. creditcardfree Says:

    @snafu, I don't think that the mortgage will be paid off next year (unless we move), because that X in the number of my post isn't a zero.

  9. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    Way to go!

  10. Buendia Says:

    That is fantastic! (And, as a fellow numbers geek, I also love a round number).

  11. rob62521 Says:

    Way to go!

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