Home > Wednesday Spending

Wednesday Spending

August 21st, 2014 at 01:18 am

School started today and with that plenty of forms came home. There are also things we need to buy, although a few are wants. Smile

First was another pad lock needed for my daughter to lock up her ceramics projects in a locker each day. The lock was $3.41 at Target. And I bought another soda while I was there!! Ack. Same daughter needs to pay the art supply fee of $10.50. I took out cash to pay for that. At least, I lucked out and don't have to pay the fee for the younger daughter's art class. Apparently that school has done away with the fee.

I also wrote a check for pictures for the younger daughter. I bought the same package I always do that gives me an 8x10, two 5x7 for the grandparents, four 3x5 that we give to the aunts, and the rest are those little exchange style size that we give to anyone else that might want one or to give to friends. This was $23.50. I paid with the credit card. This is technically a want, but a little bit of a need since we do traditionally buy the school photos. Ours actually turn out really good and it makes the grandparents happy.

The next check I wrote was for $36. I bought three short sleeve band t shirts with this years theme on them. We will wear these to the football games, marching band competitions, and pep band performances. Of course, later we use them to work out in or just wear around. Again, this is a want. We did skip them the first year, but enjoyed having them last year, so we are in again this year.

My youngest daughter was challenged by a friend to do the #icebucketchallenge for ALS. She will do the challenge, but I also plan to make a small donation since that is the point of the challenge in the end. More money out!

I'm sure there will be some other unsuspecting expenses popping up. It just makes me glad I didn't fall for a home decor item at Target that was 50% off for $17.48. That was enough for to cover one t shirt and then some!

Tomorrow, I need to run to Target to get some things we have run out of. I would have picked up today, but I didn't have some of the coupons with me. I need yeast, butter spray (want?), and shampoo for the girls. I noticed Kraft macaroni is on sale this week, so I may pick up some boxes to donate to school later this fall when they do their food drive. I'm trying to think ahead when I can.

Any big school expenses for you? How was your spending today? Did you not spend, when you wanted to? Have you heard of or taken the Ice Bucket Challenge?

7 Responses to “Wednesday Spending”

  1. laura Says:

    Well, I will confess to frivolity spending $30 on warm-weather "spirit wear" for my daughter who transferred to the new school and made the dance squad. They perform at all home football game through November. There was a sale rack with sweatshirts, all regularly $35-$45 range. They were each $15 and DH is a big kid at heart and likes spirit wear. I just want to be warm. So that was my $30. This is my brother's alma mater and he is marrying a fellow alumni so I fronted $30 to purchase them two as well. Already reimbursed. I used my $100 for this one. I've been tending it for awhile and was glad to have it to spend. Smile

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    laura, $15 is great for a sweatshirt! I know the first year we were at this school we bought from the clearance section, too. You will like the sweatshirt when it gets cold at the games. Of course, the first ones are hot usually. Smile

  3. My English Castle Says:

    Eeek. Today was our school registration, shelling out $203 for registration and a lunch money deposit. Between that and the school supply shopping, her total was almost $400.

  4. creditcardfree Says:

    @MEC, yes you did shell out a chunk of change. It all adds up so fast!

  5. PNW Mom Says:

    No school spending since my girls are in college. I had a gift card for my iced coffee this morning, but spent $2.79 on a milkshake from Dairy Queen (co-worker went to get herself some lunch and it sounded so good!) Both my girls did the ice bucket challenge....I've had lot's of facebook friends do it as well.

  6. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    I've seen a lot of videos on FB of people doing the challenge. Thankfully I have not been named yet!

  7. bluesfemme Says:

    Unfortunately the challenge has taken off big down here too - and we're in the middle of winter!

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