Home > Balanced


August 13th, 2014 at 09:24 pm

I balanced our checkbook today after our statement closed for the month. I did actually miss recording a small payment (less than $10) this past month. At least the bill was still paid! My check book is an online Excel register program that I found free online. I don't have the link for it, but I did a quick search and see there are still options out there. Be careful to pick one that has good ratings and reviews, so you don't download a virus.

For the past two months, I have charged our Verizon bill to my US Bank Cash+ card. One of the categories I chose for this quarter was 5% back for cell phone providers. Considering our bill is fairly high, this is a nice little discount off the bill. This month the rewards were $12.31. I redeem the rewards in full for a credit and paid the remaining amount. I consider the rewards a snowflake and will match the amount with a payment to the mortgage.

My Citi Thank You rewards card has already closed on the first statement. I have not had the card long at all. Although long enough to rack up $260 in charges, the bulk of that was for electricity and a flute maintenence repair bill.

I helped at school yesterday afternoon and this morning. Band camp has begun and uniforms are being fitted. I'm helping to hem pants. It feels like a quilting bee type of event with several ladies hand sewing in one place! I did mention my wedding gown donation to a few women. One told me today she keeps thinking about it and will likely donate her dress as well. So cool!

Do you balance your checkbook anymore? Anyone still using pen and paper? Anyone else getting rewards on cell phone charges? Do you know how to sew?

5 Responses to “Balanced”

  1. ceejay74 Says:

    I don't use a regular checkbook, but my budgeting tool is a spreadsheet I made that starts with the checking account balance and projects the balance going forward after every future income/expense. When I update the checking account balance and delete all transactions that have posted, I make sure the bottom line still says $0.00. So I guess I consider that balancing a checkbook!

    I use Cash+ now too, and I have a tantalizing $51 in rewards built up. But I know if we hold off redeeming rewards until we pass $100, we'll get an extra $25 Visa gift card. So I'm trying to resist redeeming! Our best rewards this quarter have been for using it at Ikea, which is a furniture store. we got about $7 more in bonus points for that, I believe.

  2. CB in the City Says:

    Didn't you just get the Citi card? I'm surprised. If I'm reading my account information correctly, my billing cycle won't end till September 2.

  3. creditcardfree Says:

    Yes, CB! I did just get the card. I've had a card before, not sure if that is the difference. It's fine though in our case. I will just pay and keep moving along! Smile

  4. rachel021406 Says:

    I still balance my checkbook. And I still use the old fashioned register. Smile

  5. FrugalTexan75 Says:

    None of my cards are doing rewards for cell phone. I know how to sew ... some. I don't balance my checkbook. Smile

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