Home > 52 Week Savings Challenge Status

52 Week Savings Challenge Status

August 2nd, 2014 at 03:27 pm

The automatic investment to my Capital One 360 Savings account has taken place again. I added $57 to the 52 Week Savings Challenge. This means I have invested weeks 1-20 and 37-52. Only 18 more weeks to go! In our case that should be just 9 more deposits of $57.

The actual balance of my Capital One 360 account is $984.20, which includes a little interest and $60 in referral bonuses received.

This money is earmarked for my daughter's band camp trip in the spring of 2015. I'm not sure when all the money will be due, but we should have no trouble meeting the schedule!

Are you still participating in the 52 Week Savings Challenge? How are you doing?

3 Responses to “52 Week Savings Challenge Status”

  1. nhgirl1970 Says:

    I am still going with the challenge, although I do it the boring way. I deposit 26.50 weekly.

  2. LivingAlmostLarge Says:

    What is the challenge?

  3. creditcardfree Says:

    Text is here's the description and Link is
    here's the description of the challenge. For us, the goal is to reach the end amount, and we happen to be depositing $57 twice per month.

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